Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Proverbs 14:8-15 (KJV)
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.
Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.
The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.
The house of the wicked shall be overthrown: but the tabernacle of the upright shall flourish.
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
Even in laughter the heart is sorrowful; and the end of that mirth is heaviness.
The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.
The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.

The term backslider is increasingly questioned these days.

The nature of sin has caused those who claim to be Christians even to challenge that there is such a thing as the backslider.

·   Anything goes for salvation. No wonder then that
·   Anything goes for godly living

Glenn Campbell died this week.
I used to love his music – he had a great voice and was one of the best guitar players ever.

His early life was filled with sin and debauchery and I am glad to hear that, later on in life, he professed faith in Christ[1] but he continued playing the same songs in the same venues as before only now he also sang Christian songs and hymns in church.

One of the responses I saw was from Rock and Roll legend Alice Cooper.

Was there ever anything more evil than Alice Cooper and:
·   The sort of music they sang,
·   The lifestyle they portrayed and
·   Image they delivered?

Wikipedia describes him, “With his distinctive raspy voice and a stage show that features guillotines, electric chairs, fake blood, deadly snakes, baby dolls, and dueling swords, Cooper is considered by music journalists and peers alike to be "The Godfather of Shock Rock".[2]

Cooper’s first response about Glenn Campbell’s death was, “We are both[3] Christian.”

He then goes on to speak about his “unlikely friendship” with Glenn Campbell – the country star and the rock star…poles apart in the world of music but friends on the golf course and as married couples.

The fact is the Campbell’s conversion is dubious and Cooper’s is almost certainly religious and not real.

How dare we judge any sort of lifestyle as insincere and an enmity with God?

But the Bible does judge and any Christian, so long as he uses the Word of God as his standard, may easily tell who is moving away from the path that is strait and narrow.

I want to speak tonight on
The Steps of the Backslider

Proverbs 14:8 (KJV)
The wisdom of the prudent is to understand his way: but the folly of fools is deceit.

Proverbs 14:15 (KJV)
The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going.

The Bible tells us,
1 John 4:1 (KJV)
Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

Not everything that claims to be Christian is of God.

In the day in which we live, this can be a very confusing and difficult thing to get hold of.

·   We want to get along
·   We want to be kind and gracious and loving
·   We want to believe that people are basically good

So we want to believe that everything out there that claims to be Christian is approved of God.

The problem is, it’s just not true.

This has been the problem since just about the second century B.C.

Christianity was essentially founded in about 30 AD
By 60 AD there were already troublemakers in churches so that

Paul, John, Peter and Jude all warned about the false doctrines.

Jude went so far as to say we had to earnestly contend for the faith.

Think about how people deal with people who “warn.”

Of course some people hear a warning, get it and change course, but a lot of people do not.

Among those who do not the progression is something like this:
·   You gotta love Brother So n So he’s just a little over zealous
·   You know Brother So n So, we have to keep new people away from him
·   Brother So n So is getting out of hand, its best to avoid him
·   Somebody needs to tell Brother So n So to back off
·   Brother So n So is hurting the cause of Christ
·   Brother So n So is a heretic
·   Brother So n So has got to go!

By the fourth century those so called Christians who liked all the popularity they enjoyed took up arms against any Christians who still warned that they were no longer true to God’s Word.

Today almost any Christian who does not accept the idea that all people claim to be Christians are Christians is considered
·   Extreme at best
·   Heretical by most

The first step to backsliding; to falling away from God is to stop “trying the spirits.”

When that happens, you can be led to believe anything can be called Christian.

If anything can be called Christian – then why can’t I do anything and still be a Christian.

The second step into backsliding
Proverbs 14:9 (KJV)
Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.

In this case I mean they make light of sin.

How you do that is by grading sins
Some, you grade as worse than others.

When you do that what you learn is that the grading system changes with culture and preferences.

It might go something like this:
·   At one time it was not appropriate for a woman to do the work of a man
·   Therefore it would not be appropriate for a woman to dress like a man
·   Certainly a woman should not speak like a man

·   Why can’t a woman do the same work as a man?
·   Why should she not wear the same clothes as a man?
·   There is nothing wrong with a woman being as vulgar as a man!
·   That woman should have the right to identify herself as a man.
·   Medically we can now change this woman into a man.

Sin is this one thing – missing God’s mark, His perfection.

Some sins create more havoc among humans, but all sins are equally offensive to God.

If we allow ourselves to see sin as anything other than offensive to God then we can excuse ourselves eventually from committing any sin.

The man says:
·   I would never cheat on my wife, but it is ok for me to like this other woman, then he might say
·   This other woman listens to me better than my wife so I enjoy being with her more than my wife
·   Then it might progress, I have cheated on my wife and dislike that I have done it and finally
·   I man fine with having cheated on my wife, I will leave her for the other woman

Do you see what happened?
When he made light of a little sin, he was able to make light of a little bigger sin until he made light of what he would have thought was a big sin.

The backslider mocks sin.
He does not take it as seriously as he ought.

Step three of the backslider
Proverbs 14:10 (KJV)
The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy.

Hebrews 12:15 (KJV) says,
Looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled;

Very often those who fall into backsliding from God do so because of unforgiveness.

·   They hold a grudge against someone
·   They harbor bitterness

Here’s the thing about bitterness, even if you feel like you are justified in being bitter against someone who hurt you, bitterness never hurts the person who originally hurt you.

Bitterness is like some of the weeds in my garden;

I chop them off and rake them up but there are those roots, hidden under the ground.

In just a day or two they spring back up.
·   They make the garden look unkept
·   They choke out the growth of the things I want to grow and
·   They discourage me so I want to give up on the garden

I know a ton of people who are out of church today, living as if they had never professed faith in Christ and it all started because of some bitterness they never forgave.

It might have been:
·   Something that happened to them when they were a kid or
·   Something that happened to them in a church or
·   Something that happened to them in the marriage

But they never let go of it and like a bad weed, it:
·   Sprung up in them,
·   Took over in their life,
·   Discouraged them in walking for Christ and
Now they are backslidden and away from God.

The final step of the backslider is,
Proverbs 14:11, 13 (KJV)
There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.
The backslider in heart shall be filled with his own ways: and a good man shall be satisfied from himself.

This really is the final step of backsliding because this person doesn’t listen to anyone who has their best interest any more.

·   They have chosen their way
·   They have made up their mind

·   The Bible doesn’t matter any more
·   The preacher’s counsel doesn’t matter now

They won’t listen to godly parents, or their spouse or their kids or anyone else.

·   It doesn’t matter who they hurt and
·   It doesn’t matter who says it is wrong

They have set their course and will not listen to anyone who wishes to help them change it.

Did you notice what verse 11 says about this way?

The backslider’s way is the way of death.

It might not be physical death or even spiritual death (as in losing salvation).

But it could be the death of anything that is holy and good and right in his life.

[1] And was baptized into a large Southern Baptist church in Arizona.
[3] Campbell and Himself
[4] Or make light
[5] And not the way God teaches

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